EDIT: I’m picking up on some big time virgin energy from all the people in this thread who think girlsmell is a fetish. Girls smell. If you didn’t know that, it’s clear the only women you’ve ever been with were 2D.
PS: If you prefer boysmell that is also very valid, and if you don’t like stinky partners at all I want you to know I stand with the ace community and I’m only meaning to make fun of allos.
All hail Xenia.
As an engineer who’s worked exclusively with Linux for 25 years this meme makes me want to buy a windows license.
I really like the fact that the Lemmy community includes a whole swathe of trans folk, I learned some new stuff the safe way and that’s really REALLY valuable to me.
I also really like the freedom that using Lemmy for social media empowers us with. Freedom of OS, Porn, whatever.
I can respect almost all kinks, ofc there’s bound to be a couple I don’t understand but that’s not a problem for me, if every participant consented.
I dislike furry kink, it invokes a feeling of disgust in me. This post alienates me slightly from the Linux community. Not a problem, but it did make me realize I would want to be more careful linking my kinks to my favorite Tools/Software in the future in a global media setting.
2025 Is my Linux year. Last year I tried as well, but I hardly boot to Linux today. Before the year is over, Windows will OS non grata here. Except on my Surface maybe 🤔
“Fellas, is it a fetish to like girls?”
Starts handing out the complementary cat ears, miniskirt, and programming socks to incoming Windoze users.
I remember it so clearly man… The morning of October 15 2025, a Wednesday as I recall. People were warned but they didn’t listen. They don’t ever listen.
I’ll never forget the screaming. Millions of Windows 10 computers just spontaneously exploding all over the place. Women, children and men with beards running down the streets of every city just trying to avoid the thousands of computers being thrown from the tops of buildings. The world was never the same after that. I found an abandoned bus in the chaos so I tried to save as many people as I could. We rode into the night towards the hills. Away from the cities and the looting and chaos.
Or you know… it just means no updates and we’ll all probably be fine.
Or you know… it just means no updates and we’ll all probably be fine.
Dude, I would be hesitant to use an OS more than a month after EOL. I hope you realize that your OS no longer receiving security updates is a really, really, really bad thing. People staying on Win10 instead of upgrading to Linux or macOS or downgrading to Win11 is going to be zero day heaven.
I regularly fire up my windows XP box to play hearts and muck about in Codewarrior
I remember even TheTechnician27 tried to warn us “it’s going to be zero day heaven!” they said but everyone just shrugged and now here I am with my fellow refugees in the woods trying to catch some squirrels for my dinner.
trying to catch some squirrels for my dinner.
Excuse me? 🤨
You need a squirrel army to start the uprising to eat the rich, obviously
I’m sure they mean an elegant dinner party to honor them and not eating your extended family as a light snack before bedtime.
I’m buying a Windows 11 license.
Dont associate me with these fucking weirdos.
Can’t stop, won’t stop
Why not?
some of us dislike being associated with animal fetishists, you see
Definitely not an animal fetish… You’re confusing furries with zoophilia, completely different thing. Most furries I know would bust out the baseball bats if they heard someone in the community was a zoophile
“definitely not an animal fetish”
oh so it’s all zoophiles making all the furry porn on sites like furaffinity, not furries? how strange! it would seem that furry communities have, in fact, a disproportionately large amount of zoophiles making pornography that fetishizes animals in their community. Y’all should probably do something about that! After all, it’d be kind of weird to beat it to porn featuring animals instead of porn featuring human beings if you weren’t, yanno, attracted to animals.
or, y’know, it is actually an animal fetish. But I’m sure you’re totally unbiased and thinking objectively, given your instance. lmfao
You are smb who calls people watching loli porn pedophiles. While I don’t like the content I can differentiate between fiction and reality.
You are smb who calls people watching loli porn pedophiles.
… yes, because the definition of pedophile is “someone who is sexually attracted to children”. It doesn’t matter if it’s fictional or not, the definition of the word makes no distinction, so why would I?
also, hey, fun hypothetical while we’re at it! would you let someone who beats it to loli, babysit your children? Because I sure as fuck wouldn’t. Being fictional or not is irrelevant.
This meme just threatened to undo the last 3 years of daily driving linux, by making me consider going back to windows
Why? So you can experience win10 for a few months?
Sounds like weakness to me comrade.
Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.
I think I’m hopping to TempleOS. It’s going to take more than Windows to save me from this.
I might be there with you. Going to try avoiding the distros that attract the mental-illness crowd first. Maybe I have to go back to Slackware.
I’ve béen using mint for almost a year, wheres my girl that stinks good? :(
It was you all along! /jk
Oh no! Linux transed my gender! Again! (I’m agender but that wouldn’t be as funny)
Girl who stinks good
-excited Napoleon noises-
Upvote for Khaby 😎