it’s kinda funny thinking about how gamegrumps once upon a time had JonTron instead of Dan Avidan
MrBeast. now his cool, philanthropic facade has crumbled, but before he even created it, he made edgy “jokes” about buying Black people…
Like many others, I’ve always felt he was fake and so were his videos. Was not surprised when all the crap about him and his rigged contests came to light.
Does somebody have a source for / link to the drama? I know the guy and have seen a couple of videos, but the fakeness tuned my off too.
But my YouTube frontage was full of him and still is.
I mean in a year or so I’m sure the US will allow people “rent” prisoners and some of them will even be locally sourced!
Pretty sure that’s been going on for years.
Yeah that’s the typical chain gang type labor that we’ve always allowed. But I’m pretty sure a random citizen can’t just rent a single person atm. And it’s not going to be retail or office jobs. Who wouldn’t want their own prison “secretary”.
only corporate persons. not your filthy subhuman meat “people”.
Ah my mistake I’m still living in 1999
oh, so you can still pretend if you’ve got the right skin tone and social class. that’s pretty cool. can I, like, tell you some stuff and get you on a better timeline, or do you just live in that year forever?
I’m just stuck there, when the year rolls over 2000 never comes
oh. huh. can I send you some stuff to try and, like, do communism with? like basic cryptographic tools that run on childrens toys nowadays, and 26 years of security vulnerabilities to do your fav brand of communism with? or do changes not persist?
Everything goes back, no progress happens here
Hate to break it to you, but that’s a longstanding practice.
Yeah but I meant your everyday American. You’re not walking down the street seeing your local prisoner carrying some yuppie’s shopping bags.
They’re scraping roadkill off highways and picking cotton. I’m suggesting they’ll change not only what forced labor is allowed but also how it looks.
deleted by creator
SSSniperWolf. Holy shit, she was brutal on Omegle telling kids to off themselves & shit. But then she started stealing content, so…
Don’t forget doxxing.
She also has a criminal record for armed robbery. So there’s that too. She’s always liked a bit of thievery.
The situation with Jacks Films was so fucked up. She literally showed up at his house to try to talk to him about his call out videos.
YouTube seemed more likely to punish Jacks Films. They basically “both sided” the incident. Absolutely insane. She’s just making YouTube too much money for any of the rules to matter.
Tell me about it. Dude was in fear for his safety and YouTube are like, jacksfilms was bad too! Eff you, Google. He did nothing wrong.
His jjjacksfilms channel doesn’t show up in the search bar, which is really weird given it’s a big channel. It’s like YouTube doesn’t want you to find him criticising their little cash cows. Stalkerwolf is invincible.
YouTube is properly messed up. It’s basically a monopoly though. People won’t post elsewhere if they can’t monetise though 😞 a fedi YouTube alternative will never catch on. At this point I’d even welcome Microsoft or scamazon creating a rival service.
There is at least a claim that she told a 16yo to flash herself on Omegle in a video.
Apparently she deleted the video in question.
I’m so pissed that the quest girl in the new Monster Hunter looks like her.
Look up the guy who made “actual cannibal Shia Labeouf”… Interesting transition there too
All I’m finding is he used to be in Tally Hall?
Edit: Oooh I misunderstood, thought you meant before he did ACSLB.
I loved Tally Hall. I used to listen to Ruler of Everything on repeat.
Me too.
Nooo, nooo, not gonna. No.
TLDR: I’m pretty sure he went on to write music for kids TV shows because that’s what he wanted to do. Pretty wholesome.
Sometimes people who’ve had a rough past are the most aware of the need to treat people right, now.
Brutalmoose, but ten years ago. He went from shitting on mediocre games and swearing a lot to super chill stuff and food reviews. I actually love all of his new stuff.
The montageparodies of food reviews.
I live for his current content! Edgy jokes & constant swearing to thrift store journeys & food discoveries. Absolutely love it!
He was actually how I discovered the Cosmic Crisp & sparked my love for it. (:
His editor skills are top notch
I’ve been on a kick watching Moose2 with my partner. His Nancy Drew streams saved our life waiting all day somewhere earlier this week, and we’ve been falling asleep to Chill Truck hahaha
Congrats on becoming one with the Drew Crew!!
No shit? I had no clue. I’ll have to check out that toxicity. I’ve always enjoyed his chill vibe and excellent editing since his food reviews and other projects.
It’s not exactly the same, and it’s been a long time now, but watching Grace Helbig go from DailyGrace with a vaguely male-catering focus and general no fucks given attitude into becoming Grace Helbig, Internet Big Sister for zoomer girls, was pretty jarring.
Pewdiepie went one bridge too far
Papa Franku
I was gonna say Joji, but yes, call him by his real name.
Oh my god…I did not put two and two together. I can’t believe I never realised JOJI was filthy frank.
Top 10 biggest anime transformations you wont believe
Change is always possible, depends on whether or not the person is willing to do so.
blippy with his shit harlem shake video
and i mean literal shit from a butt
I actually miss the humor that stemmed from an environment where everything was assumed a joke unless it’s missing a punchline. Not the racism/sexism/etc, which was prevalent of the time it became popular, but the style. The edgy style can be done really well (e.g. Bo Burnham, George Carlin, etc…).
The first one to come to mind is Blippi.
Oh I have to know more about this. Care to point me in the right direction?
Before becoming the Blippi character he made low-brow gross-out videos under the pseudonym Steezy Grossman.
Look, we’ve all done things we’ve come to regret. Who here hasn’t publicly broadcast videos of themselves defecating on a so-called “friend” for no compensation whatsoever save imaginary fame?
publicly … for no compensation
That’s what makes it weird. Who just GIVES that kind of gold away?
I’ve never actually seen the video before until now. You can tell what it is by the url. NSFW
That’s absolutely incredible.
The artist’s rendition in the Buzzfeed article is also choice.
Mumbo jumbo
You kids with your YouTubers, in my day we had and TheSpoonyOne to be disappointed in
But I only know that because of Wirtual’s latest documentary
But isn’t that the opposite? Though I watched Lars’ reaction and he actually said that Riolu became less edgy when his streaming took off
He became more marketable, but his personal choices were edgy