I finished work a bit early today, went for a walk, met a friend at a newly opened pub, watched the football with a few pints and just got back home.
Another fun Friday to put into the box of fun Fridays
What’s going on in your corner of the world?
Had a job interview and kicked ass. Should hear back in a week.
I’m out of my current job on May 1st, so if I can have a new job lined up before then, I’ll be in a good place.
Plus it’s an organization I have zero qualms supporting, and my parents worked for them multiple decades ago. I’m hoping it all comes together.
Edit: Not trying to bring that karma shit here but I truly appreciate this being the most upvoted comment in the thread at the moment. It’s not like me to be optimistic, and I’m extremely happy to be this confident right now. If it’s not this job, it’ll be another.