I finished work a bit early today, went for a walk, met a friend at a newly opened pub, watched the football with a few pints and just got back home.
Another fun Friday to put into the box of fun Fridays
What’s going on in your corner of the world?
21°c today, no major arschlochs while doing groceries just over the border in Germany, cooked a nice and quick dinner of chicken, fresh pasta and herbs and see my family eat good food, everyone in good spirits.
Our cat was singing a loud song after dinner though by the kitchen counter until he got some leftover grilled chicken. Then went washing, purring and finally snoring. Happy days.
Went for a night walk around Mumbai. Saw kids playing a game like cricket under a bridge where you knock down a stack of rocks, throw a ball at the opposing team while they try to rebuild. Got approached by barefoot children pointing at mouths begging for money but of course who carries cash. So incredibly depressing. Trash everywhere, dogs in the street, everyone honking their horns and the smells change every 5 meters.
Got back to the hotel, had a martini and watched F1 till I fell asleep
Had a job interview and kicked ass. Should hear back in a week.
I’m out of my current job on May 1st, so if I can have a new job lined up before then, I’ll be in a good place.
Plus it’s an organization I have zero qualms supporting, and my parents worked for them multiple decades ago. I’m hoping it all comes together.
Edit: Not trying to bring that karma shit here but I truly appreciate this being the most upvoted comment in the thread at the moment. It’s not like me to be optimistic, and I’m extremely happy to be this confident right now. If it’s not this job, it’ll be another.
Finally beat jokerless challenge
Took my cats to the vet for vaccines and yearly check up today, clean bill of health. While waiting there was this bizarre squeaking sound echoing through the vet which turned out to be a Chihuahua coming out of a K-hole.
Gotta love that clean bill of health!
I also took an early day today after a long week of work. Used the spare time to get some shopping done after work and play some games while my daughter napped.
Took my daughter with her learner’s driver license for a drive for the first time on a six lane road. She did really good staying in the middle lane and not getting too stressed by the cars on either side of us. She is doing fantastic and i am enjoying the time driving together way more than I thought i would.
Sounds like a groovy time for both of you! A six lane road though?!? Are those common where you are? I can think of a handful that aren’t a highway in my city.
When i say 6 lane, i mean 3 lanes both directions. I would say it’s part of highway transitioning from a pretty large town into the suburbs. Top speed was 45mph, so it will still be a step up for her to go onto the actual highway.
Well It’s Saturday morning here in Australia. Yesterday I finished work at noon as is normal at this job. Had a Chiro appointment, then got home, had a beer then headed out to my block of land to mark out where I want my shipping containers placed. That’s happening in the next few hours.
I then came home, drank a few more beers, watched a spy movie and had a few Jim Beams and Coke. Went to bed early as I get up at 3:40 am for work so I’m rather tired by early evening.
I’m from Stockport originally, I’m assuming that you’re in the UK somewhere ? Cheers. Enjoy your weekend.
Same here, finished work early, put on my summer tires and enjoying a coffee and cheesecake.
Have a restful weekend!
Opening weekend of March Madness, so could be worse
Thanks for reminding me. Disappointed to see VCU lose yesterday, now just rooting for any other Virginia team before I go into straight “root for the underdog” mode.
It’s been great thanks! Putting the (hopefully) finishing touches on a massive chunk of code for a work project. Also switched to Deezer (part of dropping all my American stuff) and found they have all the weird little folk punk my last few streaming services didn’t have.
May go swim some laps with a buddy tonight which is always a good preface to make the night’s beers feel earned. And then taking it easy cleaning and cooking tomorrow as my rec league soccer team finds ourselves in the Finals and Lord knows we’ve wanted these champion shirts for awhile. Strongest team I’ve ever played with, but it’s terrifying as I’m a decade older than most and not as good with the footwork but I’m still fast and play a mean/hard centre D role which is nerve wracking but fun as hell.