I grew up listening to fundie christian parents babble at length how we were living in end times. And mocking them mercilessly (at first among my fiends, later to their faces) as often as possible.
Now look at us - on the brink of non-existence politically, environmentally, and civilizationally. Not sure that last one is a word.
If they were right I’m gonna have some 'splainin to do.
It’s more that it’s a self-fulfilling prophecy.
“The world will hate you,” so you’re antisocial and hateful in preparation. They do hate me! It’s all true!
“There will be wars and rumors of wars,” so you vote for the defense hawks supporting the military complex. So many wars! It’s all true!
“They won’t even tolerate your views, they’ll try to outlaw it!” So you try to ban them first. It’s all true!
Why protect the temporary environment when you have eternal paradise waiting? Why do ANYTHING meaningful here when you have eternal paradise waiting.
tl;dr: Death cult. Projection.
If we’re walking into oblivion it’s because the christofascists are leading us there. It will be their self fulfilling prophecy.
Just sayin. These fools are walking right into it.
Personally, if I die only to find out that the Tyrant is real, I’ll gladly walk into hell before I kneel my way into heaven. Fuck their narcissistic, cruel, inhuman monster of a god.
I would expect in that case “hell” is just a lie anyway, like an abuser telling you you can’t live without them. It’s classic controlling behaviour.
Realising that helped me walk away from the whole thing: Why are we told hell exists if it isn’t real? Control.
It’s not too late to re-evaluate your beliefs tbh. I don’t subscribe to the same brand of Christianity as my parents or as what you see happening in the USA, but you can actually have Christ without a lot of that mad fundie stuff, and incorporate into a more rational belief system. I recommend checking out InspiringPhilosophy on YouTube, he has a pretty rational way of explaining the faith. Or I am not rational at all because I still believe in a “skyfairy” according to internet atheists. Just don’t think that being a mad fundie is the only way to be a Christian or necessary to receive forgiveness from God.
I don’t know why anyone needs forgiveness from god. Seems to me that god is the one who needs to be forgiven for creating all this suffering.
What suffering are you referring to?
Suffering is literally everywhere, every day. People tortured, raped, beaten, killed. Disease is rampant as always. Ostensibly, Christians believe that god created everything the way he wanted. If that’s the case, he has some fucking explaining to do.
People are tortured, raped, beaten and killed by other people. Disease is rampant in fewer places with worse medical care. Humans collectively have enough money to solve that problem but instead hoard it for themselves instead. It’s us who have explaining to do to Him.
God created us in his image, no? Being omniscient and omnipotent, he has the power to stop those atrocities, right? If he doesn’t, he’s not God. If he does, he’s evil.