Let me break this down:
Openly defying court orders multiple times= dictatorship Threatening to jail political opponents despite them being pardoned= dictatorship Deporting American citizens who have legal citizenship= dictatorship Can’t put it any simpler.
Court decisions are just optional now. Who needs a court when you are judge and jury?
Hey where was the motherfucker arguing they wouldnt deport legal people with me here? Huh? Where ya at?
They literally don’t care. All they want is to win an argument against leftists in the moment; they actually see it as a weakness to be beholden to facts.
They’re playing a different “game” entirely, one where rhetoric is more important than reality.
This point should be understood by all - they’re programmed to get a dopamine hit in the moment by pissing you off.
They’re not arguing in good faith and all the time you spend making rational statements is a waste. Nobody is keeping a scorecard that punishes them for losing an intellectual discussion.
The opposition to MAGA has to find a new path, because applying rational arguments in discussions ain’t going to work.
This is why calling them weird was sort of effective. It’s not a fact, it’s an opinion. Now, I think it’s a widely held opinion, but the point is it wasn’t something they could argue with. It was sort of playing the game they’ve been playing.
Playground antics can work on these types of people. First, you have to understand who they think they are, and what they take pride in. Then attack them incessantly based on the knowledge of what constitutes their ego.
Among other terrible things, this is exactly why Google shoving Android “SafetyCore” onto all Android phones is absolutely evil. Illegal phone searches become a casual click on a cloud interface to target millions with whatever they want to find.
good thing we can delete that, i deleted that app as soon as i saw the post, but i heard it comes back everytime it updates. and im pretty sure google will make that a permanent thing down the line. (probably againt pixel phones)
How do you find it? I don’t see an app called SafetyCore on my phone
it is called Android SafetyCore I think. Look under all apps, if you have other stuff called Android blah but not this probably does not exist in your phone.
Deporting doctors, unbelievable.
Everything they do suggests the goal is just to ruin the USA and its (former) allies.
This is happening again and again: judges rule that deportations are illegal, then Trump’s people just kidnap the victim and deport them anyway. A whole lot of people were just deported to a prison in a foreign country whose government has said they will never be released. They will be slave labor for a foreign country until they die, and there was no trial, no due process, no evidence presented for their being guilty of any crime. It’s just the executive branch of the US government kidnapping people and trafficking them into slavery abroad, completely overriding its own judicial system. The USA is already a dictatorship, and it only took a few weeks.
deleted by creator
Unusual maybe, but I wish it wasn’t so easy to accept it as just another part of history. I hoped we were better than this with all the new tech, but I guess old habits die hard. The new tech just seems to be a new tool they’ve been getting the hang of, and AI makes the dumbest sound less dumb to the ridiculously ignorant by choice. By so many choices I can’t fathom.
I hate to say it, but that mess in the 20th century was humanity paying the piper for insane tech advancements.
We’re going to have to pay again. We aren’t smart enough to handle it. Those that are can only sit back and watch in horror at what we do with it.
Yes to all but the last sentence. We live and act, how can we use that best for the rest of us? Smarts have nothing to do with it.
I don’t believe that we’re collectively smart enough. I have spent too much time around too many people.
Religion, ancient lasers, flat earth, lizard people, Illuminati. These things are waaaaaaay more common than rational people realize.
Pick any random person and talk to them about what they believe. Prepare to be amazed.
I agree almost completely. I just don’t want to give in to the will of the boards of directors that do their best to maximize the disinformation to maximize their short term profits.
There’s got to be more value to civilization than that, right? Things are real and truth has value even if meaning doesn’t matter.
I guess I just like to dream about what we could be, but it’s not getting any easier to believe in it.
But yeah, we’re going to have to pay the piper.
I used to dream, just like you. I sat and watched Star Trek over and over again and I really, really, really believed in humanity.
Then it hit me. We were born from chaos. We happen to have some great and intelligent members. We’ve been lucky to have some of them and we’ve paid dearly for having others.
We were born from chaos though. It shaped everything we are.
We followed grifters into deserts to learn about their fake gods and gave those grifters our bodies and our resources and we continue to do just that, all around the world. People are still fighting and dying for grifters who have been dead for thousands of years, and the new ones use their names for their work.
That is what we are. We pride ourselves on history that has nothing to do with us. We are either animals who want to survive all for ourselves or animals who want our group to survive. We want the other groups to join us, sure. Some of us even feel sorry for them when they don’t. Some of us don’t and we load them into camps for mass extermination.
To me, it’s all just that chaos we were born from. Just trying, trying, and trying to survive.
Rebels crop up because the system might not be working. That’s why fed people don’t complain. Take nourishment away for just a little while and activate the rebel. Epigenetic changes and all that.
I’m the wrong person to talk to. I’m in a deep depression and I’m drunk haha.
Who knows? Maybe we’ll take control of the chaos one day and we’ll be amazing. I hope so.
I’m so sorry for typing this out. If it helps, I’m a total idiot and I’m dully conscious of it.
Anyone have a good source on the illegal kidnappings and the prison that won’t release people? I’ve been trying not to follow US politics but goddamn clearly I need to when they’re up to this shit already
NPR, the source that floofloof linked above, is a pretty solid news source. The article linked discusses the mega-prison in El Salvador.
Sorry if this is a stupid question, but which link do you mean? I’ve checked every comment in this thread and not seen any NPR links (also checked floofloof’s recent comment history and didn’t spot any), and I’m questioning my sanity 😭
I’ve read the article attached to this thread and this is the first I’ve seen El Salvador mentioned, so thanks since that at least gives me something to search lol
One of the sentences in my previous comment was the link. Here’s the URL:
Thanks! This is how the comment looks on my end (voyager app):
Is this the wrong comment or is voyager tripping?
Edit: I was expecting to be horrified, but holy fuck reading the article you were referencing still shocked me. The fact that prison exists at all is genuinely sickening, let alone that people were kidnapped and sent there across country lines without trials or evidence. Thanks again for providing the link a second time, but I think I’ve had enough internet for today now lmao
It seems Voyager is failing to highlight the link text. I just use the regular web interface and it looks like this:
It usually includes the link below the comment text as an attachment, as well as highlighting, but it seems to have missed that there’s a link at all (the text isn’t clickable either). I’ll try to remember to file a bug report later, thanks!
If only we could have foreseen this and prevented it somehow
BUt GeNoCiDe JoE!
This is getting uglier. Ugh
It could stop tomorrow if Americans had the courage.
By doing what?
And “Americans” you mean all 341 million people? All agreeing to do the same thing? Like your statement is so meaningless to the point of stupidity
It’s like saying "we could end global warmong if only Africans did something about it*
I know, which is why Americans are fucked. They don’t even have a shared history, let alone reality or morals. I mean, most Americans don’t know about how the police dropped bombs on Philadelphia in 1985, let alone even protest or start a riot over it. 341 million Americans agreed not to riot over that one.
I also struggle to see how “Africans are to blame for global warming” the same way Americans are to blame for their own countrymen’s actions.
EDIT - Just to add, I find it intriguing that you’re so quick to blame Africans for the sake of a strawman argument. Not a good look, kinda looks American.
additionally there have been consistent anti-prostest propaganda for years after the 90s. most people whine about being inconvenienced by protests.
Your right, everyone should just keep waiting for someone else to fix this for them.
thats where the complacency and content-ness comes from.
Yeah, actually. If even a tenth of that number went out protesting tomorrow, we might actually be able to challenge this shit.
But we got work tomorrow so 🤷🏼♂️
Constitutional crisis time! Who’s ready to defend their rights and fight for democracy!
“I’ll stand peacefully on a sidewalk holding up a sign to defend democracy, so long as no harm comes to me.” - Americans
As an anti gun person my whole life, I am considering buying a gun to defend my rights as our 2nd amendment was designed to protect.
I think Democrats need to start forming or partnering with like like minded, armed groups, to help reinforce the importance and need for action. Then we have our support shown how we will defend our rights if actions are not taken.
I am not advocating for violence, but we cannot show up to a gun right with cardboard signs.
Do it. Same reason I did. The reality of it sucks, but it’s the way of the world. Don’t let conservatives be the only ones armed or we’re fucked for sure
What have you ever done in your life keyboard warrior? Stfu
So what are we gonna do about it?
I noticed my local Tesla dealership is not currently on fire…
Seems like a good couple million dollar lawsuit against the government, especially if done against a judge’s orders.
And then if the executive branch ignores that decision?
There needs to be another plan than let them battle it out on the courts if they ignore court orders.
I thought the executive branch didn’t control the budget, so wouldn’t really be able to block it. But I’m not American and don’t know the US system that well.
You’re not wrong…
The problem were finding out now is, there is no way for the branches to enforce their decisions unless they all agree.
If executive disagrees with judicial orders and doesn’t follow and orders the departments under executive branch control to follow their orders anyway, there is no way for judicial or legislation branches to hold the executive accountable and stop them. Other than legislation impeaching people.
Not sure how many scenarios the US has been in where legislation ignored judicial ruling. And can’t think of how judicial could ignore legislation and executive branches exactly…
The article is about Trump (who has a history of ignoring court rulings) completely ignoring the courts, and your suggested solution is… the courts?
Wake the fuck up.
Why are all these big deportation stories about hezbolah people and gang members that we are supposed to be sympathizing with and vocally defending?
The AntiDeportation stories I would like to support are like ‘nice mom that is just nice and not part of any gang nor anything illegal deported horribly from her 5 nice kids’. Give us those stories please. I am totally happy not having gang member neighbors. Why would I want that or sympathize with them?
the mom that worked in the big illegal weed op is the closest so far. I am totally for weed and in a place it’s legal, but I understand that, if she makes money on the smuggling of weed from legal to illegal places, it will be bad for her when she’s caught. That was not controversial to me. It shouldnt be that way, but it wasnt unusually controversial.
are there no actual innocent nice people being immorally deported? That seems crazy to me, but where are the stories?
What you are missing about why we are actually enraged is the complete lack of evidence of their crimes or any kind of due process. Everybody deserves to be heard by the court.
Even if you don’t care about immigrants, you should realize that if they can be targeted and punished without evidence, then you can be too.
personally im surprised the trump administration is even giving reasons for deporting people
It’s part of the strategy – publicly condemn people as being the type of person that is easy to hate so that there is support for the punishment.
If he started disappearing people without giving any reason, his supporters would be more likely to take note of that and question him. “Violent criminals and terrorists” on the other hand, that the people can get behind, apparently without question.
No mention of gang involvement or anything illegal whatsoever from the female doctor deported in the article you’re commenting on - so you’re just spouting nonsense.
Looks like someone hasnt been following current events :)
Though the Trump administration did not initially detail their rationale for detaining Alawieh, Hilton Beckham, the assistant commissioner of public affairs for Customs and Border Protection, told HuffPost that "arriving aliens bear the burden of establishing admissibility to the United States.”
Which a valid visa is literally proof of, you ridiculously named fascist henchcritter! 🤦🤬
Bend It (Reality) Like Beckham
Also, Hilton is right up there with Reginald or Mildred when it comes to “blindingly white old money” names 😄
Deporting American citizens who have legal citizenship= dictatorship
What legal citizens have been deported?
I know you are just nitpicking on whether the current dictatorship has an official policy to deport American citizens, but I want to clarify, for the benefit of anyone else who might not be aware of this, that the American government has in fact already deported multiple American citizens by mistake. This GAO investation found that while ICE doesn’t keep track of such stats, based on the data that is available it must report that indeed “ICE and CBP took enforcement actions against some U.S. citizens.” The numbers are in the hundreds-arrests-per-year range, and dozens-per-year deportations. There are many interviews in the press with American citizens who say they were illegally detained or deported. Some Americans had to sneak back across the border after being illegally deported. Many Americans sued and won settlements for their illegal deportations, so now it is official court record that such events happened.
This is not just a matter of ambiguity, cases of “who can really know whether that person was a citizen or not”. These are cases where CBP has been clearly negligent, where the victims had been able to procure for display real birth certificates, real passports, and the agents wouldn’t look at them. The court-appointed lawyers would “lose” the documents and claim none were received in front of the judge, or there would not even be court hearings at all, just deportations. When sued later, no one would take responsibility, no one reprimanded, just settlements paid out. Sometimes the CBP would get sued, receive a court judgement affirming that the victim was a citizen who was unlawfully deported, then ignore the judgement and deport them again. This has all already happened… under past administrations. The implication is that the willful negligence under the current one will not get better.
“by mistake” … “by design”