I’ve always been suspicious of a terrorists passport being found by the twin towers just after 9/11.
i think it is reasonably possible that a relatively advanced human civilization (e.g., concrete- and steel-making) lived, say, 20000 years ago and left no traces. that is tens of thousands of years after humans became anatomically modern, but still twice as old as the oldest ruins of human cities found. cities made with buildings like our modern ones would simply not survive in any form whatsoever over that time scale, but stone buildings likethe pyramids would remain recognizable.
That’s totally possible
Deutsche Bahn is intentionally kept shitty in order to support the car industry in Germany
Additional to that I believe that the car industry had a say in the design of EV charging infrastructure. When you go to a normal gas station, you can pay with any of the already established payment methods (e.g. cash, credit card etc). But when you want to charge your EV at a charging station, you have to register with the energy provider beforehand in order to use it. This is an additional hassle to convince people of overthinking their decision to switch to an EV.
You can’t pay with the established payment methods at a charging station - at least, in my region.
Fucking jes!
Germany has a lobbyism problem
The pizzagate qanon story was fed to qanon in order to muddy the waters in case anyone found the police reports from Epstein dropping off used girls at a pizza parlor in New York the summer of 92 when he was hanging out with Trump.
The police reports are true, no conspiracy at all, just one of the earlier things Epstein covered up with money and connections. Trump was with Epstein that summer in New York. The timing of the incidents, and when exactly Trump was there I don’t know. The conspiracy being that it was an intentional fabrication fed to a qanon reader.
There were two shooters when Kennedy was assassinated. They acted independently, but he was shot twice. The second one was on the grassy knoll and was hired by the mafia.
Also, MLK was killed by Memphis police.
Nah, the killer blow was his own security guard fucking up pulling his gun and it accidentally discharged. Whoopsie!
I fully believe this one. It’s what led me to generally think that most “conspiracy theories” (in quotes to denote the more pop-culture use of the term) probably have way more boring stories behind them. Like the idea that we actually did go to the moon, but filmed an enactment on a soundstage just in case the broadcast didn’t actually work, and that bit got out which leads to the wider conspiracy.
Absolutely the most believable out of all the theories. The best one is still “his head just did that” though
These are actually pretty good. What are the chances of two shooters getting the idea to shoot the presidential motorcade as it slowed down to turn a corner, with that long straightaway? I would say pretty good. They could have both “seen the shot”.
I wouldn’t be at all surprised by the JFK one, there’s so much about that we don’t know and clearly there’s more to the story. What’s the mafia link?
As attorney general Robert Kennedy was leading a campaign against the mob. They didn’t like this so they killed his brother.
Also, Jack Ruby had ties to the mob.
The Kennedy family had deep mob ties as well, going back to their grandfather.
Robert Kennedy going after the Mob, was just trying to break the family free.
Ahhhh I see
I like how you phrase it as “kinda believe”. For me it’s the alien ufo stuff. I’d just be more surprised if there’s nothing to it.
But I don’t “believe” it like a religion. I’ve never seen an alien or ufo, and I want hard evidence.
It’s also the funnest of all the conspiracy theories.
every bird is a ufo if you’re bad at birding
i agree, but ive seen them with my own eyes. back in the fall of 2013 outside of winnipegs east perimeter highway. some friends and i were on our way to see a movie at the silver city theatre in st vital. going down the 207 between highway 15 and the number 1 heading south. looking out the window of the vehicle on the passsenger side, high in the air over the river near the hydro power station we saw between 9 and 12 bright orbs hung in a pattern like a side ways rounded triangle, pointing south. then one by one from the top down, they either shrunk into the distance at incredible speed, or phased out entirely. i tried taking pictures but i had a shitty phone at the time so it just came out black. no stars or anything.
years later, i looked online for similar sighting, a group of people form the opposite side of the river saw the same exact thing and reported it. then i saw videos of similar orbs flying over the city, and over the red river in different locations over the years. same big red or white orbs, like fire balls in the sky.
dont know what the hell they were, so by definition they were a UFO or UAP.
crazy shit.
Probably Chinese Lanterns, released at a wedding.
I’ve seen it done at weddings, and as they all float away, I always think “There are going to be a lot of UFO reports tonight.”
absolutely was not that, they were perfectly stationary, didnt move, each were about the size of large suv at that distance, and when they dissappeared it was in perfect sequence from the top down. and it was like they shrunk into the distance at extreme speed.
i know what you mean though. ive seen those videos. this was not that. they did not look similar in the slightest, nor physically act the same way. another thing is that those lanterns are outright illegal here due to wild fire potential, you can get fined and serve a prison sentence if you light them up in the city limits. people simply dont do that here.
again, though, these did not look, or act, whatsoever like sky lanterns.
Fair enough, you saw it, I didn’t.
But I have seen MANY videos of “UFOs” that are obviously Chinese Lanterns, especially when they start talking about a triangular shape. If you release anything in threes, if they don’t form a line, they will form some sort of a triangle. If they are in a line, its a line of UFOs. If they form in a triangle, than it becomes a giant triangular UFO.
again, i get your point, however, these were 100% not sky lanters. they were far too large, too bright, and perfectly stationary in a perfect sideways triangle pattern with rounded edges, they did not stray from the pattern whatsoever until they all went out in sequence, top to bottom, right to left.
i wish you could have seen it, then you would drop the sky lantern bit. it simply was not that, if it was anything man made, it was some kind of swarm of very large military drones, with some sort of extremely bright holographic tech on them to make them appear like giant glowing orbs for some reason, but again this was 2013, and canada doesnt and didnt have a quadcopter drone program that would allow them to hover in place like that.
occams razor does not apply to this sighting. since then ive compared images, videos, etc looking for similarities, only things that came close were the additional sitings over the red river and north end of the city in the years before and since, different formations and they actually moved around, flying over the river in twos, and over the north end, back and forth as individual orbs. then there were also the orange orbs specifically in new jersey, not the “drones” but the orange orbs that seemed to get pulled from the internet within hours of being posted, those were very similar in size, shape, and brightness.
i get you really want these to be explained away as lanterns. im sorry, but they were not, lol.
Sorry, I wasn’t trying to prove that YOURE sighting were Lanterns, you were pretty specific in your first response to me, and I accepted that.
I was just reminding other readers that a lot of UFO sightings these days are easily explainable by lanterns, but I didn’t mean for that to refer to your situation. Sorry if I didn’t make that clear.
I wish I could’ve seen what you’ve seen!
I agree on UFOs, there’s something at the bottom of it all. There’s no way we’re alone in the universe
Not only do they need to exist at the same time as us, they also need to be close enough to make it feasible to travel here and they need to pick us from the countless options that exist. With the vastness of space and the immense timescales, I wouldn’t be surprised if we never get in contact with any other intelligent life at all, even if there’s plenty of it in the universe.
Also, I don’t believe that politicians and civil servants can keep something of this magnitude secret for many decades.
But, hey, I can’t prove you wrong. Who knows.
If there were aliens the USA would know. There is no way possible this dumbass president would not blurt it out on an interview.
This presupposes that our understanding of space time is correct, our understanding of the limits of travel is correct, and that we’re done enough with the physics research tree to comprehend what other species with even just a million more years of existence than us could do.
This argument always comes down to whether or not you believe we’re near the end of knowledge or not.
While i appreciate your scepticism, i’m pretty sure the forward light cone is a well-understood concept that won’t change much in the future ever again. just my opinion.
There’s no way we’re alone in the universe
2 trillion galaxies in the observable universe.
Every galaxy has 100s of billions of stars, some bigger ones have trillions.
I agree 100%. No friggin way we’re alone.
I love watching and reading about the paranormal, and strongly believe I lived in a haunted house while growing up.
It’s not a conspiracy thing but kinda falls into the territory.
I wouldn’t say it’s belief itself as much as “I want to believe” that aliens have either crashed here or made contact with us, but it’s not anywhere like the major big coverups these conspiracies usually tell.
In my head-canon, these were otherwise minor incidents that only a handful of people know about, and they keep it under wraps because they don’t know jack shit about the aliens, can’t actually talk to them, and don’t want to scare people as well as the evidence they have isn’t conclusive because it’s not made of fantastic magic materials, but just normal fucking shit you can find on Earth like gold and iron.
It sure would be more interesting than “it was a mylar weather balloon, and people just didn’t know about mylar at the time and the only reason it even blew up was because of an over-zealous newspaper reporter who wrote that famous headline, while the retraction for that headline went completely under the radar as it was less sensational.”
It’s the Mandela Effect stuff for me. I kind of believe it and oddly enough have a lot of friends that do as well. If some scientist discovered that dimensions were merging and small pockets of the population remember facts from the old dimensions I would feel justified.
I do in fact remember it being announced that Mandela died in prison and I was confused when he came back into the news.
For little a conspiracy I’d say most modern gas/petrol pumps don’t need to slow down when you are near the end of your paid amount
I’d totally forgotten US petrol pumps have that weird pre-pay system.
It drives me nuts
That the earth is oddly banana shaped.
Not that I believe it, but there’s a lot of circumstantial evidence that CIA had a hand in the making if Scorpions - Wind of Change. Plus it’s kind of plausible given the timing.
Say more? I don’t think I’ve heard this theory before
I stumbled across a podcast a while back that investigated the claim. I don’t remember it all, but the producer of the song was known to be on US governments payroll and misc other established facts. I don’t remember it all, but I believe the podcast was named “Wind of change”. True or not, the podcast is still pretty entertaining.
Regarding 911 look up Larry Silverstein, who he is, what he said regarding building 7 and where he was Not that day.
Kinda believe:
There is a natural or supernatural force innate to my person that causes almost everybody to dislike me at first blush and those who don’t dislike me immediately eventually become keen to it. Everyone conspires to keep it a secret from me as to what exactly is wrong with me. Everybody I’ve met through school or college has since stopped responding to my messages (in one case even blocking me immediately after thanking me for wishing them a happy birthday), and those who claim to or otherwise act as if they think positively of me only do so to behave professionally, or to exploit me for personal or financial gain, or out of untruthful over-politeness. Regardless of my efforts to be a good person, these results persist.
the way i see it, people have collective depression. almost everybody feels bad due to expectations about the future economy, and so they’re being unfriendly. it’s not specific about you, though.
Hey! I think you might need to seek a counselor! Thes kinds of though patterns aren’t healthy and if there really is something wrong with you they might be able to help you figure it out.
that’s bizarre, sorry to hear that and hope it gets better
I don’t know you, so I don’t know why people might avoid you, but I was thinking of something slightly related while on the train yesterday. I have a very strong sense of smell, so bad odours are very off putting for me, even mine when I sweat, or fry something…stuff like that. So yesterday I was sitting in the train, and someone came in at some point and sat right behind me. I did not see that person, but I smelled him!!! It was stinking of cigarettes as if he was an ashtray. I had to move, because it was making me want to throw up. I al not exaggerating.
But I do know, not everyone has this sense of smell, some might be oblivious of their own smell. I had a colleague in high school that was extremely stinky. He was not a bad guy I guess, but I did not talk too often with him because I was avoiding coming too close because of the smell.
So I was thinking yesterday, wouldn’t it be helpful to have some sort of independent person give an honest and not mean opinion, on what is “wrong” with us in terms of what is off putting to the others. Some people are I am sire genuinely good people, but maybe they have an odour problem that they don’t know about, and maybe can be fixed. Or maybe they are trying to much and too fast to be a friend for someone and the others feel like their space is invaded too quickly. Not everyone has skills to read non verbal messages.
But how do you give feedback to the people that are off putting for you if they don’t ask for that feedback? It would be rude and probably poorly received. I am a quite direct person, and even I would not tell people they literally stink, because it might me it is just an I problem.
Do you have close friends or family that you could ask for kind advice? Or maybe try a neutral person, like a psychologist. Although that one would not see you in your interactions. Maybe you could analyse and record in your memory details of the interactions and have someone review those details. As I said, could even be something like you are too fast in getting close or person to the others, and they have another pace.
Smell was actually one explanation I thought people reading my comment would think of. I start each day with a shower and wear deodorant, even applying it a second time during the day if I happen to have been active or sweaty. When I’ve worked up a sweat at work or whatnot or if I’ve swam in a lake or pool, I shower afterward. I hope I don’t need to mention this, but I also do wipe thoroughly after using the toilet. I also don’t smoke cigarettes or weed.
With your story of the smoker, that kind of makes me even more inclined to think it’s not smell since I’m apparently light-footed enough to accidentally sneak up on and startle people when I approach them; this has happened a number of times. If they don’t notice a smell or sound when I’m right next to them, then I’m probably not emitting either of those strong enough to be sensed close up. Additionally, my barren experience on dating apps, for example, wouldn’t be affected by smell.
I don’t have any family that I would consider trustworthy on the matter.
I am glad it is not the smell :) As I said, maybe you are too intense for the general public. That is a matter of the society you are living in. Every society has different personal space areas. For example there is a huge difference between the personal space of a German and a Spaniard. One has to observe these things and try to adapt to them if acceptance is the priority. Try analysing how the people around you interact and compare it with how you do. You can also try to let new people come to you and just be smiling( but not looking intensely to them) and show you are open to conversation.
Regarding the dating apps, that is a different monster. I would not put so much thought into it. I am a very social person and easily make friends, but on dating apps I mostly found creeps and the dynamic was always strange and a lot of ghosting happened. I don’t know how it is nowadays, but I am sure it did not improve.
Try to find a club based on your hobbies. Maybe you like to hike, find a hiking club or group. Or maybe you are a gamer, go to gamer shops and have some interaction there. You will eventually find your tribe. Sometimes we are just too different from the ones in our immediate circle, and people don’t want different. Good luck and much happiness! You will figure it out and you will find your people.
9/11 definitely! I still can’t believe how some of these things are physically possible (the way the building fell and so on).
BUSH DID 911! Or he(Cheney Et. Al.) knew about it ahead of time and intentionally allowed it to happen. It’s just consistent with everything else he did, and how insane a shift he created in American life in the immediate reactionary wake.
Actually most of the “mechanics”/physics of the day make sense to me.