Sure, ADT won’t get gas when you feed it hotdogs, but the motion sensors & alarm also won’t make a burglar regret every decision that they ever made. Good dog, Rosie.
Looks like maybe cut an artery on the window to me. Scary stuff all around.
Big chunk of glass in the upper left corner of the open frame. Sliced the shit out of themselves. Odds are dog pic and bloody window frame are not related images.
Reminds me of that scene in The Good Guys where Ryan Gosling’s character tries to punch through a window and cuts his arm up and slowly realizes he’s fucked lol
I was assuming that was all Rosie, but you might be right…
Oooh dogs. Yeah, I like dags.
I like caravans better.
Whatcha tink we arrrrre ?.. Teeaves.
Damn that’s a lot of blood. Good girl.
I don’t think Rosie released the blood herself, the idiot did it to himself on the glass he broke.
Still, good job Rosie, for scaring the blood out of the asswipe.
Also, that’s artery-volume blood.
I’ve seen some videos of people punching through windows and instantly cutting an artery, wouldn’t be surprised if something similar happened here.
i did that, but only cut the skin off. could see my ligaments moving when I was moving fingers. It healed now, like nothing happened, except a large scar across my wrist
LOL - for those who don’t know, “dags” is an Australian term for little balls of shit that cling to a sheep’s fur. An Aussie friend of mine who moved to Seattle found out we had a Dag’s Restaurant with Dag Burgers, and thought it was hysterical. She sent home photos of herself next to the “Take home a bag of Dags!” sign. Sadly, Dag’s is no longer in business.
The title refers to a line from the the movie ‘Snatch’ in which Brad Pitt has a heavy accent and is asking another character if he likes dogs.
Now that’s funny.
Holy fuck Rosie don’t play.
I have one, small, and very angry dog. Rosie is not joking, good dog.
That looks to me like way too much harm for keeping private property
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That’s a tad bit too specific… Did you choose help out?
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Try to explain proportional response to a dog protecting their home. What a silly comment
The owner choose to put the needlesly violent dog in a position that they would be able to attack someone who would break in.
A dog knows no concept of proportional response, it is responsibility of the owner to know where the dog must be, and go.
And the intruder put themselves there
You’re a troll, got it