Energy storage. We could already produce all the power we need and more using solar power, the problem is that we can’t store it in an efficient energy dense form. The word efficient there is doing some heavy lifting. It needs be comparable or better than our methods today in terms of cost, safety, energy density, climate impact. If we could solve energy storage, it’d change society and technology dramatically.
Just fund all the open source projects. Like, all of them.
It’s amazing the amount of ressources that are spent on creating an environment/platform that locks users in.
Like, shit, if we spent like 10% on that efforts into open source stuff we’d be living in a utopia right now or something.
Nuclear Fusion.
I’m not sure what technology I would choose, but surely it would be related to the climate change.
Get the plastic out of living organisms for fuck’s sake
Fusion power or cures for diseases.
Fusion power, should it work, would solve a lot of problems. Environmentally, in particular, but if we could get a decent distribution of reactors around the planet we’d alleviate food problems, water problems, and a whole bunch of suffering of one kind or another. Cheap power would help a lot.
Otherwise, anything to help cure diseases. Genetic, auto-immune, cancers, misfortune, whatever. Alleviate more suffering, let people live and work again.
Climate change
Kind of a two-fer right there. Without “AI” sucking up so much power, we’d already be better off climate-wise.
True, but still only marginally.
I think concrete is still king.
I would specifically pick Fusion research.
That’s not a single endeavor, like, at all.
Neither is ‘AI’
I wrote Generative AI. Do you want to put the two on the same scale of complexity?
generative ai is not one thing.
I agree. Still it is a set with way fewer elements than action against climate change. Also, the nature of operations in the latter case is way more diversified than in the development of the former.
It is only my opinion though, you may find Generative AI a hydra compared to the other.
By the way, the money would be well spent indeed but not even close to enough for a sustainable change.
idk about that last part actually. some of the stuff we can do for the climate we just aren’t doing.
also we could just hire a few hitmen
Cultured Meat. Without relying on any major breakthroughs, a price competitive with “traditional” meat is feasible with a few rather reasonable and conservative assumptions and developments. Dropping cows as meat source globally alone might be sufficient to slow down further climate change significantly.
The problem is that we can’t make an immune system and don’t even know where to begin on that problem
Why would I need an immune system in CM? This is food. It’s cells, generally on a scaffold, that look like either ground meat or a steak or whatever you want. If you mean vasculature: That is an issue if you want to print organs or large, intact tissue, less so for foodstuffs.
The Internet Archive - long term storage of as many books/films/music/journals/games as possible.
Love this answer! I wish the EU could move it in as an EU agency.
Nuclear fusion, right? That’s got to be the big one.
How do we stop it killing the global economy over night ?
Why would we want to do that? I hate the global economy.
The obvious point is the global economy that you hate will kill any free and limitless fuel before it is born .
I’m sure you’ll get a bunch of respectable answers, but keep in mind that secretly, everyone is actually thinking sex robots.
And if they were not, they should have been.
Which is an application that generative AI is important for, ironically.
Can’t decide if it should be penis enlargement or the cure for baldness… 🤔 /s
There are bald porn stars for a reason
Y por qué no los dos?
OP said only one. 😔
In everything that has a realistic chance to stop or reverse climate change
I want a machine that works me out while I sleep. I’m talking full body ripped (to my desired levels) all while I get my sleep for the night.
Just electrically stimulate my muscles constantly while keeping me in a deep sleep for 8 hours straight please.
I wanna wake up every morning feeling like I just left the gym after a solid full body work out.
Easily the education system at least here in America cuz it’s dog shit. I honestly think there should be another year for high school just one more because kids are coming out of school completely unprepared for anything and I don’t just mean common sense I mean jobs entry level jobs kids can’t do because school didn’t teach them the basics
Edit: I sat down now so I want to elaborate.
I really think schools should focus more on life skills cooking, home improvement, changing your tire and brakes. Everyday stuff you’ll run into but a lot of people don’t know how to do. Just doing it once or twice gives people the confidence that they can do it and can maybe do more. That’s my two cents, that I don’t have