I sleep in it so I can have the entire bedroom available for all my clutter
Fuck it, 30 second sketch
Fuck it, 30 second sketch too.
I really thought that said “jocks + underwear” and I was confused lmao. Like, those are the same thing. Then I noticed it was an S.
The two shelves at the bottom are just some cheap Sterilite plastic shelves i got from Walmart many years ago
…you can do that?
the pile consumes all
I want a closet lol
From the top:
- Seldom used pants, shirts and other clothes.
- Pants
- Shirts
- Shirts
- Shirts
- Underwear/Socks
However my wife wants it organized.
By occasion. Work shirts taken from one side and added on other. Club wear and winter wear get own sections.
Work shirts taken from one side and added on other.
I don’t know why I didn’t think of this simple logic. Thanks for sharing!
Shirts on the left, overwear on the right, pants and sweats up top, and luggage / laundry bin on the floor. EZ
There’s a dirty pile of clothes and a clean basket of laundry.
When the contents of the basket are small enough, I flip them into a clean pile of clothes and a dirty basket of laundry.
Stacked in piles. Clean ones go on the bottom and I wear the one on the top. The ones I have on the hanger I put on the right side after use / wash and the ones on the far left I get rid of due to being unused. I try to have as little clothes as possible and keep the colors such that everything goes with everything else.
Alphabetically, of course.