Trump’s approval rating has turned negative in a new YouGov/Economist poll, with 50% disapproving versus 45% approving of his job performance.
This marks the first underwater rating in a month, following similar trends in other polls. Political experts attribute the decline to backlash against tariffs on Canadian and Mexican imports and DOGE’s federal worker firings.
While Trump maintains stronger approval on national security (51%) and immigration (50%), he scores lowest on inflation (42%).
The poll shows a particularly sharp drop among independents, shifting from -5 to -17 approval margin.
Polls don’t matter to a party of fucking fascists.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the spectrum:
darkly hilarious that all they had to do was put a red bar behind the “APPROVE” and it tricked the three remaining brain cells of their viewers.
he doesn’t care about court orders, why doesn’t anyone think he cares about someone’s approval
How the fuck is he still close to 50%? Do those idiots have to go broke and hungry for not getting their social security, and have their mum die due to no medicaid?
Caveat: I’m not a statistician, but my job requires that I interpret large pools of raw data to interpolate outcomes for even larger systems. Think using 30 respondents and a week of observation/collection to represent 2500-10,000 respondents over the course of a year. The way I collect, analyze, interpret, and present my data is scrutinized heavily from every angle (as it should be) but still very susceptible to biases. Fortunately, I’m super autistic and it’s basically impossible for me to lie so I’m considered really good at what I do.
These surveys are typically done via methods that are prone to significant statistical errors. For the most part they use phone calls, Facebook ads, emails that most people under the age of 65 just delete (or never even see because it’s caught by spam filters). This, combined with the fact that the type of people who will reply to these sort of questionaires are always more right-leaning skews the data even further.
If someone approached you on the street asking you to take a survey, about Pervert Hoover what would you do? Uncle Jerry, who’s known for providing his unsolicited opinions about librulz and the gays, and Aunt Elaine who doesn’t want to get backhanded at home so she just stands there usually count as two respondents.
That’s not even touching the bias almost always introduced by the question and answer formats. “Do you agree with the President’s policy of deporting people with legal residency status due to excercising their First Amendment Rights? (Y/N)” is a totally different outcome to “Do you agree with the President’s national security policies? (Y/N)”
These articles are always written to imply they’ve surveyed everyone in the country, done the math to adjust for selection bias, and written the survey questions to be fair, but time and time again that’s proven to be untrue, or at least inaccurate. The interesting (and honestly the only good news we hear anymore) is that even with all of the cards literally and figuratively stacked in the orange skidmark’s favor, he’s only getting as positive an outcome as he is.
And there’s also the need for clicks and ad revenue.
TL; DR: these things are bullshit and always produce wildly inaccurate results skewed in favor of the dumbest outcomes.
Right-wing media capture is a significant contributor, plus many of these people have been supporting him for so long that it’s like a frog in boiling water. That said, as more and more if this shit starts effecting them personally, they’ve been loosing faith in their Omnisiah God-King.
The wild thing is that that is still better than his approval rating from the same time period in his first time. So, from a certain perspective, he’s more popular than ever before. 🤮
Because they’re watching mainstream news, which even tiptoes around the tarrifs and doesn’t broadcast Trump’s daily interviews unless a clip makes him look good. They really just know the government is getting cut and that we’ve started a trade war with (checks notes) everyone
This is going to change when effects of his policies actually start to land - so far we’re looking at disastrous moves in horror, but they’re getting a very toned down snapshot through a rose colored lens
The tariffs haven’t actually gone through so there’s still people that think he’s just threatening them to get a better deal. They don’t know he’s just stupid as hell and will put the tariffs in and they will cause a recession or depression.
And in particular, people do not understand how justifiably epically pissed off Canadians are about Trump threatening their sovereignty. There’s an entire dimension of Trump’s willful destruction of the US’ foreign alliances that I don’t think the general public is aware of at all.
Why would Biden to that to them?!
National security remained Trump’s strongest issue, with 51 percent of respondents saying they approve of his handling of the matter.
wtf. the dude is a russian asset . the only reason he ever says the words national security is to remove rights from u.s. citizens.
Theres at least one account of a Jew that was literally in Sobibor concentration camp that thought Adolf Hitler was a misunderstood hero of the Jews.
I learned this from the anthology of heroes podcast. There’s a three part episode on the Sobibor Concentration Camp.
Ok, thanks.
Propaganda is OP, really can’t nerfed hard enough to change the meta
The sad thing is the main factor in a successful propaganda campaign seems to be volume. So those that have an ability to broadcast a message to the highest number of people with the most consistency usually get their way.
It’s almost like billionaires buy media outlets for a reason
Conspiracy moment. I believe this is why tiktok is constantly under attack. It’s a hugely popular platform and it’s algorithm isn’t tuned to keep us from watching people complain about actual problems. They make a huge argument about the rise in protests about Gaza being a Chinese attack strategy, but in person I’ve yet to meet one human being that thinks the Gaza situation is OK. They were just mad that we had a loophole out of the propaganda tunnel.
I don’t think it’s conspiracism territory when you have specific people/corporations with definite short to mid-term goals that are concrete and realistic. Elites hate not controlling mass media, been that way since movable type. If we went back to having town criers they’d pass anti-shouting laws.
It’s how the Tea Party did it. They had annoying fuckers everywhere with booths (or just a table and a chair). One was about NASA being a huge waste of money. I even wasted my time and explained why that was the dumbest agency to go after (time wasted because they weren’t listening). But after America elected their first black president, these mother fuckers were pissed and letting everyone know it.
I really hope we do our own Tea Party and primary all these good-for-nothing, nazi-enabling, out-of-touch Dems. I suggest replacing all Democratic Representatives with homeless people. Those are some people with the some experience with how our systems really work.
This is nothing. Approval ratings below 40% are extremely common in modern presidencies. Trump himself left office the first time with an approval rating of 34% and an average of 41%.
If Macron got 40% approval rating there would be a river of champagne flowing down the Champs Elysées.
Lol 45% approval, he really is the king of usa.
My FIL and MIL love him! And I do mean they worship him. They’re extremely satisfied with recent events because he’s hurting Americans which includes the other Americans they don’t like.
How did pretty much an entire generation that had it easier than us get so fucking hateful!? They sit in their owned houses pissed off that brown and gay people exist and are just trying to survive like all of us…
It’s only an anecdote, but I was raised in a very white town and watched a ton of TV growing up. I was a political nerd in elementary school. Needless to say, I was very cool…
Anyways. When I left my small town I discovered that much of what I learned from my parents, my community, and the TV was very, very racist. If you don’t have a lot of minorities, and the only information is coming from racist, you just don’t know better. I was lucky to end up around a lot of minorities who helped me get past my bigotry, which they had no obligation to do, they were just cool people like that.
In short, if you don’t know a lot of black, brown, gay, or trans people, they become a blank canvas for bad actors.
Hardship does two things relevant here: It creates discontent, and can help build empathy. Both would eventually create a groundswell of support for bettering conditions across demographics.
The right has effectively neutered both, by being fast with their blame game. Even though they cause the hardship, they point the finger faster and louder at the immigrants, democrats, and minorities, both redirecting blame and severing empathetic ties.
There is a reason why this is the core part of the fascist playbook - it works.
Exactly. After everything that’s happened, barely negative is pathetic. Its game over.
Polls are biased towards people who think answering surveys are a good use of their time
And yet, Democrats tend to overperform on polls
America is cooked
Right now the Dems are polling at something like 30%.
In Tropico, this normally ends badly for El Presidente.
I just don’t hold elections. Never been an issue for me
Penultimo on the other hand
Fucking Schumer said his plan is to wait until it’s below 27%, and then start trying…
So I don’t get why 45% approval is a win if it’s barely half way to dem leaderahip doing…
Well, anything
You got it backwards. He said he would bet that the republicans would wait till 40%, wile democrats are at 27%…. So even when trump gets below 40, the democrats will do nothing and sit there preparing their “i told you so speech” assuming that some republicans will walk over to them to receive it. He is playing completely passive.
Meanwhile, the Democratic Party’s own approval rating is that low, and they’re still not sure when they’re supposed to start trying…
I feel like if we titled both as "rich people’s approval rating " it comes into focus a bit more.
Imagine polling badly as the opposition when fucking Trump is in charge.